Our Founder
Our Founder
Blake Barbera was born and raised in Sonoma, California. In 2005, at 17, Blake encountered God in a way he never had before, and God has been transforming his life day by day ever since. Through the years, Blake has served in various capacities as a missionary, church planter, pastor, and Bible teacher.
Blake has been teaching the Bible for nearly 20 years and has been studying at various institutions along the way, including San Diego Christian College (BA), Biola University, Duke University (MTS), and Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary and Graduate School (Ph.D. '26). Along with his work for That You May Know Him, Blake currently serves as an adjunct professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary and Graduate School.
In late 2010, God did an amazing work in Blake's life by blessing him with a phenomenal wife and partner, Kristina. Blake and Kristina did not date or enter into a romantic relationship before getting engaged. They met at a teen-camp (2007), felt led to get to know one another over a period of six days three years later, and spent the next three months praying and discerning individually (and sometimes together over the phone) God's will for their lives. At the end of three months (the next time they saw each other) they got engaged and were married soon thereafter in 2011. They have been best friends ever since.
In 2022, after almost 12 years of marriage (!) Blake and Kristina welcomed their first-born son, (Anthony) Luca Barbera. This was truly a fulfillment of Psalm 127:3 in their lives.

The Ministry Focus of Blake and the That You May Know Him Team:
The Ministry Focus of Blake and the That You May Know Him Team:
The two-fold ministry focus of Blake Barbera and That You May Know Him is simple:
To create Gospel-focused, biblically faithful resources and materials so that God's people can know him more fully and love him more deeply. We are currently hard at work producing podcasts, online videos, bible studies, articles, and devotions that illuminate biblical truth and aid in the growth and maturity of God's people.
To make disciples in a local setting. Blake currently sets aside time each week to disciple others. This includes spending one-on-one time with individuals who are growing in their faith and knowledge of Christ, counseling, hosting in-person Bible studies and services where he lives, and most importantly, PRAYING for those with whom he is in community. Blake and his family are currently involved in leading a local house-church congregation in Durham NC. If you are ever in the area, look us up!
The Team
The Team
That You May Know Him would not exist without the help and support of our ministry friends and partners. The ministry is currently overseen by a board of directors that supervises, advises and counsels Blake in every facet of the ministry. That You May Know Him became a 501c3 non-profit organization in 2021.
That You May Know Him is also blessed to partner with godly people who regularly contribute to our work and ministry. Some of our regular contributors include:
Our Funding, Why We Became a 501c3, and Why We Don't Use Patron Programs
Our Funding, Why We Became a 501c3, and Why We Don't Use Patron Programs
Our Funding
That You May Know Him is a 100% faith-based, supporter-funded ministry fueled by God's provision and his people's generosity, prayers, and support. It is the job of the Lord to provide for the work of the ministry and its co-laborers; it is ours to abide in him and do the work he places before us daily.
Why We Don't Use Patron Programs
We do not partner with patron programs for one simple reason: we believe all our content should be free, with very few exceptions. Those who support our ministry do so with the understanding that they will receive no unique advantages or bonus content because they are a donor, but rather the joy of knowing that their donation is helping to make our content accessible for those who otherwise would not be able to pay for it.
Why We Became a 501c3
After careful prayer and discernment by the Board of Directors, That You May Know Him became a 501c3 non-profit organization in 2021. We understand that many Christians have strong feelings about this and that there are many misconceptions about 501c3 status. Our reason for pursuing and receiving this designation came down to a single primary factor: we are not a business and did not establish this ministry to garner wealth for the individuals involved. Thus, we sought and received the legal benefit of being a religious organization: the ability to receive tax-deductible, tax-free donations.
Should there ever come a time when the U.S. government attempts to force 501c3 organizations like ours to betray our religious convictions, morals, or biblical values, we will gladly give up the designation. We in no way consider ourselves to be under the covering of the federal government because of this designation. Rather, according to the Scriptures, we have established our ministry in a legal, lawful, and legitimate way in order to remain above reproach (1 Peter 2:13-16/Romans 13:1-7).
To learn more about our core convictions, click here: