Podcast Series
To listen to a podcast series in its entirety, head to Listen Page and type the series name in the search bar
God Save America?
Topic - How do Christians contend for our communities, our nations, and our world while staying wholly focused on the only kingdom that truly matters?
Status - Finished; 14 episodes

Topic - Current events from a biblical perspective.
Status - Finished; 27 episodes
What Must I Do To Be Saved?
Topic - A deep dive into the field of soteriology.
Status - Finished; 12 episodes

The Forgotten Book of Jude
Topic - Verse by verse through the Book of Jude.
Status - Finished; 5 episodes

Israel and the Church
Topic - Has the Church replaced Israel as God's covenant people? Do the people of Israel still have promises from God requiring future fulfillment? Is there any connection at all between the Church and the Jewish people? Also, this series features a verse-by-verse exegesis of Romans 9-11.
Status - Finished; 5 episodes

Family Matters
Topic - God's design and plan for the nuclear family. Including: the role of husbands, the role of wives, children and parents, as well as a deep-dive into the topic of feminism and the Gospel.
Status - Finished; 8 episodes

The Secrets of the Abandoned Life
Topic - Do you ever feel like you're not measuring up? Or that you are altogether failing at living the Christian life? In this series, Blake walks verse-by-verse through Romans 6-8, the pinnacle passage in the New Testament which teaches Christians how they should go about living their new life in Christ. It starts with one word: abandon.
Status - Finished; 3 episodes