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Writer's pictureBlake Barbera

An Enduring Harmony

Coffee With God: 3/6/2023 | Romans 15:5-6

“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Harmony amongst people cannot be manufactured on a human level. Try as though we may, sin always gets in the way. Need proof? Just have a look back at the entire history of humanity. Harmony amongst the peoples of the earth is not something we can claim as a hallmark of our recent or distant past.

God must grant lasting harmony. There is no other way to attain it. Believe it or not, his church is supposed to be the starting point for bestowing such peace in the world. You say, “but the church has been divided and unharmonious for 2,000 years!” You would be right. But that doesn’t change the fact that God still wants to grant us the grace to be at peace with one another.

Did you catch the key phrase in Paul’s statement to the Romans? “May God… grant you to live in such harmony… in accord with Christ Jesus.” Harmony comes from Jesus: knowing him, loving him, following him. It begins on an individual level and works its way out from there. When you come to be at peace with Jesus Christ, he begins to transform you into a person of peace. It doesn’t mean you won’t have enemies; you may have more than ever. But he even changes how you deal with them (Matthew 5:44).

Harmony in the church and in the world starts and ends with individual believers like you and me. The more we learn to humble ourselves and walk in step with the Prince of Peace, the more fruitful we will become as people of peace.


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